Major League (11 and 12 Year Old) League Rules
Revised 2/27/2023

All  USSSA Rules will be followed for league play with the following exceptions/additions:

1.  No new inning will start after 1 hour and 20 minutes or six (6) innings.  

Post Season Ties: If the game is tied at the end of regulation during the regular season, that tie will stand.  During post-season we must play until there is a winner.  For extra innings in the post-season, the team at-bat will start with the bases loaded and no outs.  The last player to bat will go to 1st base, the previous batter in the lineup will go to 2nd base, the second previous batter will go to 3rd base.
There is NO penalty for placing runners on base if a team is playing with fewer than 9 players.  No bases will be left empty and no outs will be given to start the inning if a team only has 7/8 players.  Just place runners on base as they are listed in the lineup disregarding the absent 8th/9th batters.  An out will still be given like usual for the missing 8th/9th place batter if they come up to bat.

2.  A team may score a maximum of 6 runs per inning.

3.  All league pitching rules apply. If a pitching rule is violated, the game may be protested by the head coach to the head umpire immediately upon the infraction. If the protest is upheld, the game will be ruled a forfeit.

4.  Any defensive timeout called by a coach will be charged as a visit to the mound except for an injury or equipment repair timeout.

5.  The coaches are to sign the official scorebook at the end of the game. This indicates the coach has checked the score and the pitching records. (i.e. innings pitched etc…), are correct. If there is a mistake, the coach should contact the head umpire or board member on duty immediately. If a coach fails to sign the scorebook, the scorebook will be considered correct as is without argument.

6.   Coaches are to make sure a catcher has on a protective cup. If the catcher is not wearing a protective cup, they will be prevented from catching until they are wearing one.

7.  This league plays with open bases; meaning that any base-runner is allowed to lead off.

8.  This league plays with a maximum of 3 outfielders.

9.  Refer to our General League Rules for bats that are or are not allowed in our league as well as other general rules, including forfeit rule.

All USSSA rules will be followed for league play with the following exceptions/additions: