8 Year Old League Rules
Revised 08/31/2023

All  USSSA Rules will be followed for league play with the following exceptions/additions:

1. Time limit of 1 hour and 15 minutes or 6 innings.   If the game is tied at the end of regulation during the regular season, that tie will stand. 

Post-Season Ties: During post-season we must play until there is a winner.  For extra innings in the post-season, the team at-bat will start with the bases loaded and no outs.  The last player to bat will go to 1st base, the previous batter in the lineup will go to 2nd base, the second previous batter will go to 3rd base.

There is NO penalty for placing runners on base if a team is playing with fewer than 9 players.  No bases will be left empty and no outs will be given to start the inning if a team only has 7/8 players.  Just place runners on base as they are listed in the lineup disregarding the absent 8th/9th batters.  An out will still be given like usual for the missing 8th/9th place batter if they come up to bat.

2. A runner cannot leave the base before the ball has been hit. If the runner leaves early, the umpire will call the runner out.

3. The infield fly rule is not in effect.

4. A team may score a maximum of 6 runs per inning.

5. A batter receives a maximum of (5) overhand or underhand pitches OR three (3) swings. The at bat will be extended in the event of a foul ball on a 3rd swing or the 5th (or greater) pitch, the at bat can not end on an (uncaught) foul ball.

6. No bunting is allowed.

7. A thrown or hit ball striking the pitcher is a live ball.

8. No stealing is allowed at any time.

9. The catcher must make the play at home plate unless he is out of position attempting a play. Defensive interference will be called. The intent of this rule is for each player to learn his position.

10. ALL players will play in the field on defense.  A standard infield with all outfielders at least 10 feet beyond the start of the outfield grass.  All outfielders must stay in the outfield grass.  ALL players MUST play at least 1 inning at an infield position.  It is recommended that you flip-flop your infield/outfield each inning.

11. Fair Ball Arc: There will be a 20' arc drawn from the back point of home plate, from 1st baseline to 3rd baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go past this line to be a fair ball.

12. Safety Arc: There will be a 30' arc drawn from the back point of home plate, from 1st baseline to 3rd baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit.

13. The number of coaches allowed on the field (inside the fences and/or dug-outs) during the game must not exceed four (4).

14. The positions coaches may occupy during the game will be:

A) One coach In the first and third base coaching boxes when their team is at bat, and one coach pitching to batter, the 4th coach must manage the dugout.

B) Only one coach allowed in the outfield when their team is on defense, allowing them to adjust, teach, and correct fundamental errors on-the-spot.

C) In the dug-out.

D) When his/her team is at bat, the pitching coach is allowed, if needed, to help his players prepare to bat and once the ball is hit the coach must get off the field past either foul line.

E) Coaches must stay inside the fences unless special situations require that they leave (i.e. Illness, injury, or personal or official business not related to the game in which they are involved). Under no circumstances will a coach be allowed to watch or coach the game from spectator areas of the park.

F) Coaches cannot touch a player at any time the ball is in play. This includes both offensive and defensive play. Penalties are as follows:

1) Defensive-Dead ball- Runners advance two bases. 
2) Offensive-Dead ball- The runner is out.

15.  An outfielder can not make a tag play on a force out on a base hit.  The outfielder must throw the ball to an infielder to make a force play.   
This applies to force plays only.  For example:  a batter hits a ball to the right fielder, to try to get an out at 1st base, the right fielder must throw the ball to the 1st baseman; the right fielder can not run to 1st base and tag the base or the runner to get the out.
Furthermore, if the runner tries to advance to 2nd base, since the force play is now over, the outfielder can make a tag play on the runner.

16.  Refer to our General League Rules for bats that are or are not allowed in our league as well as other general rules, including forfeit rule.  https://www.fybaseball.com/content/11689/General-League-Rules